Oct 10, 2008

Don't Forget To Vote

Don't Forget To Vote

  • Don't forget that the current administration was appointed in 2000 because it was too much of a bother to properly re-count the 2000 presidential ballots that were snafu-ed beyond comprehension.
  • Don't forget that the 2008 election was won due to Black Box voting machinery and that the final tally was very, very inconsistent with the exit polls and pretty much any other poll prediction for the first time in history.

  • Don't forget that the primary business of the manufacturers of Black Box voting equipment is the manufacturing of ATM machines which have a nearly impenetrable auditing system and redundant paper trails, YET their voting machines surprisingly have neither.
  • Don't forget the enormous number of Black Box voting irregularities discovered during the 2004 election. These were just the ones discovered due to their obvious nature.

  • Don't forget that Diebold's main competitor for electronic voting machines, Athan Gibbs, inventor of "TRU VOTE" and perhaps America's most influential advocate of a verified voting paper trail in the era of touch screen computer voting, died in a bizarre car crash.
  • Don't forget that in 2000 we had a balanced budget and that, now we have the highest national debt in the history of America.
  • Don't forget that we are in a depression not a, *insert currently accepted euphemism here*, and that the ones responsible are going to receive a massive trillion dollar bonus of taxpayer's money for their greed and criminal behavior. (crime apparently does pay, and it pays well)
  • Don't forget that when America intervenes in another country's affairs we insist on a paper ballot to choose the elected officials of that country.
  • Don't forget that the post 9/11 patriot act pretty much put an end to most of your civil liberties.
  • Don't forget that America is one of the Very Few advanced societies in the world without a social medical system.
  • Don't forget that Congress spent $10 million investigating each inch of Clinton's penis but only spent $3 million investigating all of 9/11
  • That the current administration tricked us into a very expensive, about $600 trillion, war to beat up the wrong guy.
  • That the current administration is led by someone with a serious reality issue.
  • That the current administration is led by someone who has a decided problem with the use of the English Language.
  • That the current administration is led by someone who is in the OIL Business, and heavily financed in 2000 by Ken Lay and the Enron corp.
  • Also don't forget the curent administration's record

Don't forget that, whether you think your vote counts or not, you should still exercise that right to vote. If you do vote try to vote for the right reasons, I have actually heard people state that they are voting for Mcain because his running mate Palin was "cute" or that they were voting for Mcain because he is a christian. I have heard blacks state that they are voting for Obama because he is black.

The issues should be your main criteria for voting, now I know that it is tough to pay attention or to even understand the issues in a country with a +20% illiteracy rate, so if you really have no clue then "vote by Not VOTING".

I know it' especially hard below the Mason Dixon line where the main criteria for contentment is based on the reserves of beer in the refrigerator, or who won the INDY 500, but put the "Rebel Mentality" away long enough to understand and vote on the issues.

I know that most politicians lie to get elected, so check out the record on the candidates to see if their actions are consistent with what they say during the campaign.

Oh and don't forget that "WE THE PEOPLE" are the government, not the OLD BOY CRONIES in Washington. We get to tell them what to do, not the other way around.
