Again Madison Avenue is hard at work, convincing us of our own self importance in the grand scheme of things, and of course let’s not forget the overall cool factor. Now that we have been convinced of the all important need to be connected, they are now making the cell phone into a fashion statement via color, display, function, and features. Just imagine how “un-cool” it would be to whip out an old style cell phone at the local watering hole, one that can’t play mp3s, or video games, no internet connection or hidden keyboard, you’ll be going home alone tonight, loser!!!!
Grade school kids pester parents until they get their own personal cell phone, so they can chatter away the minutes on all the important things going on in their little pre-pubescent lives, thus adding to the overall background radiation that slowly erodes their little pea brains.
Cell phones are convenient, especially in emergency situations, but listen in sometimes on the banality of some of the nearby cell conversations and you soon realize that another modern convenience has gone past the point of sensibility, and became just another monthly billing statement you probably won’t be able to pay. How many people do you know who have a different cell number every couple of months? And as far as emergency use of a cell phone is concerned, TV has shown us that there is usually no signal, or the battery is dead, (probably because you chatted away all day about last night’s sit-com/soap).
Oh!, and lets not forget that cell phones make excellent tracking devices, so your whereabouts can be pinpointed with great accuracy, (whether they are on or off), and also remember cell conversations do not receive the same right to privacy as a hard line does, not that there’s much of any importance being said on most cells anyway.
OOPS!!! There goes my cell, I’m being summoned. Seeyalater,
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