PI In The Sky or, In Your Face.
Ah!!! The American Dream, as wholesome as mom’s apple pie, two cars in every garage, a chicken in every pot, 2.3 kids, a yard, a dog etc, etc. The land of opportunity, with streets paved in gold, every dream within reach, high hopes, there goes another rubber tree, etc, etc. Once upon a time this was not so far fetched, the country was growing at a phenomenal rate, opportunities abounded, the mixture of nationalities, their cultures, their desire to be part of a truly grand experiment in democracy, must have been a wondrous time in this nation’s history.
Unfortunately in the beginning we came to America bringing the white man’s curse, (greed), and nearly wiped out the indigenous population in the process, either through disease or small arms fire. We came, we saw, we took, and we kept coming, and kept taking. The same curse still affects us today, somehow in all our years of evolution we never quite mastered the art of living with nature, and when we happen upon anyone who does it’s either conversion or extinction.
Immigrants still keep pouring into America looking for that elusive dream, the grass is always greener…..Each succeeding group of immigrants had to pay their dues by being the whipping boy for the preceding group of immigrants, who in their turn had already paid at the gate, (Ellis Island in latter years). As the population increased each ethnic group banded together in communities, either through common customs or beliefs, or the need for self preservation. We soon became a nation of little nations, each maintaining its ethnic origins, every major city had it little nation states, Italian, Polish, Jewish, Chinese, what have you, and each defended its territory, against the “outsiders”.

Immigrants come to America, and instead of “melting” into the great pot, they now demand that the nation caters to their individual ethnicities. One nation divided by its own citizens, each nationality looking down upon the others, citing outdated stereotypical diatribes, that serve no purpose but to sustain the divisions.
In our current political climate the immigration issue is at the forefront of the problems affecting America, and its citizens. The main objective seems to be supplying industry with an affordable labor force, (read that as cheap), this is more apparent now that the “baby boomers” are retiring, and “Genx” is moving in. GenX, (for those suffering cave denial syndrome CDS), is a lot smaller in numbers than the boomer era, hence the need to open the immigration floodgate, it removes power from genx, forces wages low, bringing America on a more even keel with third world economics, and from the perspective of a little known agenda it sets the stage for the unification of North America into a unified continental state. (Hey I’m not making this stuff up it’s out there: Look for Yourself, LYF). It will be similar to the European Economic Union, it will also happen in Asia and South America eventually, and then they will all unite to form a Happy One World Govt. (LFY)
We are not African-American, Polish-American, Italian-American, Irish-America, etc…We are Americans, this is the country we live in, We speak English here, (have the decency to learn the language of the country you “chose” to live in), if you chose to live here and still consider yourself to be an ?-American, maybe you should go back “Home” where you might be more comfortable with the customs. Sure we have problems in American, when people are divided there will be problems, Hell; wherever people live there will be problems!
When we work together as Americans we can FIX any problem, we need to stop the politically correct, at all cost, attitude, we need to stop bending over backwards trying to adapt to the customs and beliefs of each ?-American. When in Rome, or more accurately When in America do as the Americans Do! Here’s a new slogan for you:America
Love it Enough To Fix It ™
Love it Enough To Fix It ™
By the way "CDS" has no symptom so see your doctor for immediate treatment!
(More to come , maybe , someday…..)
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