There are plenty of conspiracy theories on the internet these days, ranging from Alien Invasions to who killed Roger Rabbit, some stretch credibility to the breaking point; some are exceptional excursions into the comedic, while some are very prophetic in nature. We tend to lump them all together unfortunately, and thereby limit our awareness of the events occurring in our environment. I say unfortunate because to collectively lump together anything we don’t want to hear or believe as crazy, without at least a cursory examination is, “CRAZY”.
The links listed below, (there are many, many more), are an example of the large number of sites, (some which may indeed be crazy), trying to point out that something is wrong, something that might not be in best interests of the American People or any people for that matter. Most will ignore, deny, and ridicule, whatever it takes to maintain their illusory existence, but a cursory examination is all I ask of you. Anything that seems doubtful or unclear can be clarified easily with a little research, (just pretend you’re looking up sports stats, or pornography, or whatever it is you do on the “INFORMATION HIGHWAY”)
The sheer number is nearly overwhelming and if only 10% are factual, it should make any intelligent person step back and question the actions of our “leaders”, both political and industrial. That is, after all, our duty as American Citizens, to be constantly vigilant and question the motives behind the political process. Defending America against all enemies, foreign and domestic. If you think it doesn’t really affect you, YOU’RE WRONG, and even in the unlikely event it doesn’t affect you, IT WILL affect your children.
When cold hard cash is involved it becomes pretty much a primitive game all over again, and unfortunately those with the weakest moral fiber tend to win.
The accumulation of wealth, and thereby power is a pretty strong temptation. Absolute power does and, common sense isn’t, so if we don’t pay attention we will reap what is sown.
We tend to forget that ‘WE THE PEOPLE’ are the government, and, the elected officials are our emissaries, we got lazy and let the emissaries have control because we were too busy chasing after the American Dream. “Chasing after dreams that weren’t really meant for me”, (line from an old song I wrote years ago). The majority of these dreams we chase, (e.g. flashy cars, designer clothes, designer jewelry, cool tech toys, etc), are not our dreams, they belong to the ‘Madison Avenue Advertising Clique’, whose sole purpose is to tell us what it is we want, when we want it, and convince us of our inability to live without it. (“It” being the latest fad)
They are so good at their jobs that the average American is so deeply in debt and so deeply preoccupied with this diversion, that our right hand truly has no idea what the left is up to. There is no form of entertainment, from newspapers and magazines, to movies, radio and TV, that is not there for the sole purpose of selling product.
Even the concerned activists in society today all have their personal pet peeves, (and there are hundreds, maybe thousands of these little “pets” running rampant). They march in protest to correct these social injustices; they march in a myriad of different directions and accomplish little more than further dividing the social consciousness.
Until we join together and fight the real battle, (the battle over who really controls America), we will never accomplish anything, and soon, we will loose the right to march our own personal pet peeves around the soap box. Divide and Conquer is the perfect strategy.
The profiterrorists know this strategy well and keep us chasing our tails, while they slowly sap our willpower and wealth.
When cold hard cash is involved it becomes pretty much a primitive game all over again, and unfortunately those with the weakest moral fiber tend to win.

We tend to forget that ‘WE THE PEOPLE’ are the government, and, the elected officials are our emissaries, we got lazy and let the emissaries have control because we were too busy chasing after the American Dream. “Chasing after dreams that weren’t really meant for me”, (line from an old song I wrote years ago). The majority of these dreams we chase, (e.g. flashy cars, designer clothes, designer jewelry, cool tech toys, etc), are not our dreams, they belong to the ‘Madison Avenue Advertising Clique’, whose sole purpose is to tell us what it is we want, when we want it, and convince us of our inability to live without it. (“It” being the latest fad)
They are so good at their jobs that the average American is so deeply in debt and so deeply preoccupied with this diversion, that our right hand truly has no idea what the left is up to. There is no form of entertainment, from newspapers and magazines, to movies, radio and TV, that is not there for the sole purpose of selling product.
Even the concerned activists in society today all have their personal pet peeves, (and there are hundreds, maybe thousands of these little “pets” running rampant). They march in protest to correct these social injustices; they march in a myriad of different directions and accomplish little more than further dividing the social consciousness.
Until we join together and fight the real battle, (the battle over who really controls America), we will never accomplish anything, and soon, we will loose the right to march our own personal pet peeves around the soap box. Divide and Conquer is the perfect strategy.
The profiterrorists know this strategy well and keep us chasing our tails, while they slowly sap our willpower and wealth.
Pay attention and vote, let me reiterate, PAY ATTENTION AND VOTE
(More??? Undoubtedly)
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