Even a cynic has reason to doubt! Or, How does one oil a snake?

Picking up where we left off, or rather where I left off, we have our lawmakers, and of course the (F)laws they make, so let’s not forget to mention the lobbyists who pay them large sums of money for the “designer” laws. Basically these are the laws “designed” to help a very select few in their quest for money and power, (usually at the expense of the have not).
Some of the top contributors to the “lobby industry” are;
Client Total
US Chamber of Commerce-------------------------$338,324,680
Dominated by oil companies, pharmaceutical giants, automakers and other
polluting industries
General Electric--------------------------------------$160,995,000
For Deregulation of environmental standards
American Medical Assn-----------------------------$157,227,500
Lobbying for Medical mal-practice Legislation
American Hospital Assn-----------------------------$138,059,035
Lobbied on issues related to Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement
Pharmaceutical Research & Mfrs of America----$115,008,600
For further amusement check;
http://www.publicintegrity.org http://www.opensecrets.org
Fortunately for the lobbyist most people are happily ignorant of anything not directly affecting their small circle of reality, and this blissful stupor will most likely lead to a lemming like free-fall into that imaginary land we refer to as the future. Oh happy day!
Maybe an imaginary safety net of organized religions will be there to catch them. Halleluiah! Can I get an Amen?
The lobbyists are just the grease that lubricates the wheels of congress, (the inverse of progress), they earn excellent salaries, thus allowing them to move far away from the detrimental effects on society created by the very organizations they lobby for, and as a result get to enjoy the immense benefits of “NIMBY”.
I probably should have mentioned something earlier, but I wanted to see if anybody would actually get this far: I’m not really that cynical, nor do I want to depress anyone by invading their version of reality with this version. I’m just pointing out that reality is indeed relative, (similar to the proverbial third cousin, twice removed, by force from the family reunion picnic), to ones experience, and largely dependent on how much attention they pay to the events surrounding their own personalized, miniscule, bubble of existence.
The point is that you don’t need to have a point to have a point and if I were a thinking person I’d think that this was not the place to be thinking, I think. So we may be lost but we are making good time and, we may get to the end of the story long before I’m finished with it. Onward little ogglets, onward into the void, just stay away from the light, unless you have a really good pair of cheap sunglasses.
Money may not buy happiness, but at least we can be miserable with style, or so the manufacturing industry would have us believe. They make products we don’t need, serve no real purpose, seldom work as advertised, designed to outlast the warranty by mere days, (soon the technology will be available to reduce this to hours, minutes, and, praise be, mere seconds!).
Produced no doubt for the sole intention of annoying, frustrating, aggravating, obfusticating, inveigling, obtusifying, and generally pissing off, those who own it, or desire to own it. This I’m afraid may be their only purpose in the grand design which, by a curious fluke of nature, is neither grand, nor of any particular design. At least no design the intelligent ogglet can readily discern without reverting back to primitive herbal medicinal treatments, of which the skilled practioners thereof have all been torched as witches.
They create time saving gadgetry that is a waste of time to even conceive of, let alone actually manufacture and market. They don’t save time, and even if they did, what would we do with the extra time? Just waste it on new and improved time saving gadgetry. We’ve come to accept shoddy as the norm and are willing to pay very well indeed for the shoddiness.
(So be it, and onward we trek……..)
Oh and the proper technique is to warm the oil in your hands first, then apply liberally starting at the head and working downward in a repetitive manner, be sure to stroke with the scales not against, as this could cause irritation and unsightly rash, continue until snake pukes. Smoking is permissible, but only upon successful conclusion. (For you manly men cuddling is not a requirement).
(it puts the lotion on its .................)
Some of the top contributors to the “lobby industry” are;
Client Total
US Chamber of Commerce-------------------------$338,324,680
Dominated by oil companies, pharmaceutical giants, automakers and other
polluting industries
General Electric--------------------------------------$160,995,000
For Deregulation of environmental standards
American Medical Assn-----------------------------$157,227,500
Lobbying for Medical mal-practice Legislation
American Hospital Assn-----------------------------$138,059,035
Lobbied on issues related to Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement
Pharmaceutical Research & Mfrs of America----$115,008,600
Gee I wonder what their angle is?

http://www.publicintegrity.org http://www.opensecrets.org
Basically lobbyists get paid to funnel large sums of money into the political process to influence “our representatives” in order to get them to perform various functions/favors that may or may not be beneficial to the people they represent. Being that they must pay large sums of money to obtain these favors, it is probably a safe bet that the favors in question are not very beneficial to the constituents as a whole.
Fortunately for the lobbyist most people are happily ignorant of anything not directly affecting their small circle of reality, and this blissful stupor will most likely lead to a lemming like free-fall into that imaginary land we refer to as the future. Oh happy day!
Maybe an imaginary safety net of organized religions will be there to catch them. Halleluiah! Can I get an Amen?
The lobbyists are just the grease that lubricates the wheels of congress, (the inverse of progress), they earn excellent salaries, thus allowing them to move far away from the detrimental effects on society created by the very organizations they lobby for, and as a result get to enjoy the immense benefits of “NIMBY”.
I probably should have mentioned something earlier, but I wanted to see if anybody would actually get this far: I’m not really that cynical, nor do I want to depress anyone by invading their version of reality with this version. I’m just pointing out that reality is indeed relative, (similar to the proverbial third cousin, twice removed, by force from the family reunion picnic), to ones experience, and largely dependent on how much attention they pay to the events surrounding their own personalized, miniscule, bubble of existence.
The point is that you don’t need to have a point to have a point and if I were a thinking person I’d think that this was not the place to be thinking, I think. So we may be lost but we are making good time and, we may get to the end of the story long before I’m finished with it. Onward little ogglets, onward into the void, just stay away from the light, unless you have a really good pair of cheap sunglasses.
Money may not buy happiness, but at least we can be miserable with style, or so the manufacturing industry would have us believe. They make products we don’t need, serve no real purpose, seldom work as advertised, designed to outlast the warranty by mere days, (soon the technology will be available to reduce this to hours, minutes, and, praise be, mere seconds!).
Produced no doubt for the sole intention of annoying, frustrating, aggravating, obfusticating, inveigling, obtusifying, and generally pissing off, those who own it, or desire to own it. This I’m afraid may be their only purpose in the grand design which, by a curious fluke of nature, is neither grand, nor of any particular design. At least no design the intelligent ogglet can readily discern without reverting back to primitive herbal medicinal treatments, of which the skilled practioners thereof have all been torched as witches.
They create time saving gadgetry that is a waste of time to even conceive of, let alone actually manufacture and market. They don’t save time, and even if they did, what would we do with the extra time? Just waste it on new and improved time saving gadgetry. We’ve come to accept shoddy as the norm and are willing to pay very well indeed for the shoddiness.
(So be it, and onward we trek……..)
Oh and the proper technique is to warm the oil in your hands first, then apply liberally starting at the head and working downward in a repetitive manner, be sure to stroke with the scales not against, as this could cause irritation and unsightly rash, continue until snake pukes. Smoking is permissible, but only upon successful conclusion. (For you manly men cuddling is not a requirement).

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