Oct 19, 2007

Article 4



The storm on the horizon or, something phallic this way comes….

    The left brain domination seems to have pushed its way to the top with the appearance of our current linear writing techniques; the men were taking over slowly whether from fear of the feminine mystique, or the egotistic belief that they could do it better.

   Enter the black cloud, remember up until now feminine, nature based religions were pretty much the rule, now comes the male based religions, (mostly based on ego, imagine
any saloon
                                                                                          on a Saturday night the studs jockeying for the attention of the women, the occasional bar fight when egos collide, next time you go out try to stay sober long enough to watch the playing field, very amusing! The ultimate reality show!

   So instead of a goddess based on feminine mystique and nature, we now have a god based on male ego and testosterone, strong and wrathful, (ooh scary huh?). At this point the male based religions started to assert their dominance by debasing and vilifying the feminine gods, as more power shifted to the men, more pressure was applied to push the women to a lower status, the free exchange of ideas no longer included the fairer sex. Knowledge and power were now the domain of the men, (world’s first men’s only club?), and any woman still believing she was on an even keel was soon dispatched.

   The practice of living with nature, and the understanding of plants for healing and such, was soon frowned upon as the men asserted their influence. The proverbial nail in the coffin was driven home as women suffered persecution and death for showing the slightest glimmer of having a mind of their own, and god forbid, showing any adherence to the old religions. The goddesses still appeared in some of the new belief systems, but were subjugated to very minor roles, and at best played the role of mothers to the new gods.

   As you may have noticed I tend to generalize instead of factualize, I don’t have the ambition to research the facts, nor do I feel the details are all that important, (except maybe to the retentive and, having good toilet training at an early age, I don’t suffer the need to sweat the petty things, I’d rather pet the sweaty things).

   The persecutions, (witch hunts as we tend to refer to them), continued for centuries in one form or another, and some estimates claim the death count to be in the millions, that’s a hell of a price to pay for trying to live in harmony with nature, it seems the more “civilized” we become, the more we tend to think of ourselves as being above the natural order of the universe. Like I said earlier we still behave on the subconscious, primitive level,

but we rationalize our actions, and motives, to disguise this fact. Our disguises get more elaborate with each generation, and with each new psychological excuse we invent for explaining our actions. Thank god we have all these hi-tech toys to distract us from reality. (As Lennon said: keep them doped on religion, sex, and TV)

   The domination of society, such as it was, by the male psyche was signed, sealed, and delivered with the appearance of the more organized religions, which brought with them hell, the devil, guilt, and fear. The fear factor went a long way in keeping the people in control, and indeed, had a big hand in keeping the ruling classes under the control of the religious leaders. (A little excommunication went a long way). Now instead of land acquisition wars, we were warring over who had the best imaginary friend, it’s probably a 50-50 split over territorial disputes and religious disputes. The only difference is with religious wars you can’t really count up the spoils and declare victory, so they tend to go on and on and on…….Considering that all the religions in the world today preach the same underlying theme, it really is surprising that they can’t seem to co-exist.
   The devil really didn’t get much of a starring role until more recently in our history.

   The boogeyman originally served the purpose of keeping the young and curious ogglets inside the boundaries of the tribal compound, there were real boogeymen back then after all, in the form of predators, (not to be mistaken for today’s version of a child predator), let’s not forget that we were food too. Everything eats and is eaten, that’s a fact of existence, so the devil did serve a practical function, it was only when we realized he could be used on a more grandiose scale did he reach his prime.

   Oh god, more to come……..

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