One can only wonder what reality would be like, if the ridiculously high amount of diversions we have in our daily life were trimmed down to a more manageable number. The constant Madison Avenue s***storm of drivel that inundates our existence, and goads us into defining our very existence by the clothes we wear, cars we drive, credit scores, etc....would be a good area to start trimming, although I suppose we really can't put all the blame on M.A., some blame must be heaped upon the little sheep that prefer to be led around, and would find originality of thought to be well beyond their grasp, and the concept of free will to be an overtaxing burden.
The real problem created by the sheep lies in the unfortunate fact that they are the majority, and the rest of us oggz are dragged along in their vacuous slipstream. The evidence of their majority can be witnessed by the number of reality shows on TV, the high national credit debt, the proliferation of planned obsolescence in all our electronic toys, the number of political lies that go unchallenged, and the current strangulation of the average working class Shmuck.
We forgot that "WE THE PEOPLE" are the government, and we choose the "ELECT AND NEGLECT" policy instead of getting involved and paying attention. This Policy is pretty much the reason that we have Policies that are more designed to increase profit margins than the quality of our own existence. We elect, then leave the rest of the process up to the elected with no further interest in what they are actually doing, as a result our government does what it pleases and has no reason to even keep us informed of their activities. Special interests groups, on the other hand, pay close attention, and with the frequent donation here or there, pretty much hold the reigns of our political process.
Let's take a look at the current reallty brought about by our in-attention;
Oil (a natural resource owned by the people and controlled by a small group of individuals), has increased in price to the point where some can no longer afford to drive to work. The actual cost of production vs. profits is so out of sync that it approaches the unbelievable. If cost was the only factor in increasing prices, the profit margins would stay relatively the same!!!!!!! Keep in mind that oil is a necessity of everyday life, and as such, should be a "controlled substance"
Health Care (something that would be of concern to a government that really gave a s*** about its citizens). The health care industry, especially Pharmacuetical Companies now show a profit vs. cost margin that puts the oil companies to shame. At the same time they are pushing medications that are dubious cures at best, Where is the FDA when we need them. The majority of real cures will probably make an entrance when the last of the baby boomers makes an exit, after all "Generation X" will have to work longer to reach thier retirement age somewhere in thier mid to late seventies.
Education (higher costs and lower standards). While much of the world is putting great emphasis on increasing educational standards we lower our standards and increase the cost of education. Every governmental budget cut takes a further toll on the education of Americans, after all an educated citizenry might actually pay attention to what's going on in Washington. Limiting the higher levels of education to the privledged few, keeps the privledged few in control.
Politics (policy for profit?, or the bully method). You really don't need that higher education that you couldn't afford to see where the political process is leading us. Wars are fought today primarily for the acqusition of wealth and power, by the wealthy and powerful, using the unwealthy and unpowerful, to accomplish thier desire for more wealth and power. The domestic side of government policy is pretty much to keep you from realizing what the foriegn policy is all about, and to make sure that if, and when you figure it out you won't be able to do anything about it.
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit... (the carrot and mule principle). It should be obvious to most that our lives are getting more and more complicated, an intelligent species would probably head in the direction of simplification and standardization, but that's not us. Everthing today seems to be designed to annoy and frustrate. the computer age was supposed to simplify but instead complicated everything beyond reason, the constantly changing technology obsoletes itself every other day, with its myriad of ways to compete even the simplest of tasks so as to make it night-marish at best. Now the entire process of life itself relies on the fallible little microchip.
Liberty is now considered more of a priveledge than an inalienable right, and as the illusion of security is increased the right to liberty decreases proportionately. As we are pushed into this illusion of security with personal ID cards and the upcoming cashless society we will undoubtedly hear a door slam behind us as the last vestige of liberty twinkles and fades into oblivion. As far as the pursuit is concerned the only thing being pursued will likely be those who will not embrace the new world. Oh well, at least we have our toys.
Solutions? Wake up, pay attention, get involved! Nationalize the commodities that are essential to life in America, our natural resources, OUR NATIONAL RESOURCES. Tax the profit right away from the oil companies, or control the level of profits that any corporation can have, basically TAX GREED!
Lets start producing all of our own food in America instead of importing from other nations because its cheaper, If it's not "grown" in America don't eat it.
If it's not "made" in America, don't buy it, stop these companies from manufacturing our goods overseas.
Remember; the Elected were put there by us, if they won't do what we tell them we can un-elect them!
The real problem created by the sheep lies in the unfortunate fact that they are the majority, and the rest of us oggz are dragged along in their vacuous slipstream. The evidence of their majority can be witnessed by the number of reality shows on TV, the high national credit debt, the proliferation of planned obsolescence in all our electronic toys, the number of political lies that go unchallenged, and the current strangulation of the average working class Shmuck.
We forgot that "WE THE PEOPLE" are the government, and we choose the "ELECT AND NEGLECT" policy instead of getting involved and paying attention. This Policy is pretty much the reason that we have Policies that are more designed to increase profit margins than the quality of our own existence. We elect, then leave the rest of the process up to the elected with no further interest in what they are actually doing, as a result our government does what it pleases and has no reason to even keep us informed of their activities. Special interests groups, on the other hand, pay close attention, and with the frequent donation here or there, pretty much hold the reigns of our political process.
Let's take a look at the current reallty brought about by our in-attention;
Oil (a natural resource owned by the people and controlled by a small group of individuals), has increased in price to the point where some can no longer afford to drive to work. The actual cost of production vs. profits is so out of sync that it approaches the unbelievable. If cost was the only factor in increasing prices, the profit margins would stay relatively the same!!!!!!! Keep in mind that oil is a necessity of everyday life, and as such, should be a "controlled substance"
Health Care (something that would be of concern to a government that really gave a s*** about its citizens). The health care industry, especially Pharmacuetical Companies now show a profit vs. cost margin that puts the oil companies to shame. At the same time they are pushing medications that are dubious cures at best, Where is the FDA when we need them. The majority of real cures will probably make an entrance when the last of the baby boomers makes an exit, after all "Generation X" will have to work longer to reach thier retirement age somewhere in thier mid to late seventies.
Education (higher costs and lower standards). While much of the world is putting great emphasis on increasing educational standards we lower our standards and increase the cost of education. Every governmental budget cut takes a further toll on the education of Americans, after all an educated citizenry might actually pay attention to what's going on in Washington. Limiting the higher levels of education to the privledged few, keeps the privledged few in control.
Politics (policy for profit?, or the bully method). You really don't need that higher education that you couldn't afford to see where the political process is leading us. Wars are fought today primarily for the acqusition of wealth and power, by the wealthy and powerful, using the unwealthy and unpowerful, to accomplish thier desire for more wealth and power. The domestic side of government policy is pretty much to keep you from realizing what the foriegn policy is all about, and to make sure that if, and when you figure it out you won't be able to do anything about it.
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit... (the carrot and mule principle). It should be obvious to most that our lives are getting more and more complicated, an intelligent species would probably head in the direction of simplification and standardization, but that's not us. Everthing today seems to be designed to annoy and frustrate. the computer age was supposed to simplify but instead complicated everything beyond reason, the constantly changing technology obsoletes itself every other day, with its myriad of ways to compete even the simplest of tasks so as to make it night-marish at best. Now the entire process of life itself relies on the fallible little microchip.
Liberty is now considered more of a priveledge than an inalienable right, and as the illusion of security is increased the right to liberty decreases proportionately. As we are pushed into this illusion of security with personal ID cards and the upcoming cashless society we will undoubtedly hear a door slam behind us as the last vestige of liberty twinkles and fades into oblivion. As far as the pursuit is concerned the only thing being pursued will likely be those who will not embrace the new world. Oh well, at least we have our toys.
Solutions? Wake up, pay attention, get involved! Nationalize the commodities that are essential to life in America, our natural resources, OUR NATIONAL RESOURCES. Tax the profit right away from the oil companies, or control the level of profits that any corporation can have, basically TAX GREED!
Lets start producing all of our own food in America instead of importing from other nations because its cheaper, If it's not "grown" in America don't eat it.
If it's not "made" in America, don't buy it, stop these companies from manufacturing our goods overseas.
Remember; the Elected were put there by us, if they won't do what we tell them we can un-elect them!